1.I fully agree and would add that the strengthening of health systems is one of the biggest challenges for this Organization as a whole.
2.Frankly, I confess that when the program started, I did not fully agree with it. But now I can only say that I have been quite fortunate.
3.But if you want me to talk about a few parts of Chinese society I don't fully agree with, I can do that.
4.I fully agree with this view, in spite of the fact that I consider it one of the basic assumptions of historicism .
5.These unfortunate defects have antagonized many, who nevertheless fully agree that there should be an easy world-language.
6.I fully agree: salt reduction is one of the most cost-effective and affordable public health interventions.
7.I went there and told them, "I'm on your side because you are fighting for Tibet, even if I don't fully agree with your ideology. "
8.I fully agree with you the local community should benefit from the conservation. otherwise, it is not meaningful.
9."I fully agree (with Putin's decision to run), he is a very good and a wise man, " said Denis.
10.There are many definitions for SOA and Services and I don't think I fully agree with anything I've read in this topic.